Process for Addressing Performance Concerns

Supervisors may identify performance concerns that begin to escalate at any time during the year. When this occurs, Human Resources (HR) will review the supervisor's concerns and recommendations before a performance improvement plan (PIP) is initiated or corrective action is taken. Below is the process HR follows for coordinating an improvement plan or corrective action, if necessary.

Performance Improvement Plans (PIP)

A PIP is a written document and a process to address performance concerns or behaviors. Being placed on a PIP does not mean the employee will be terminated due to poor performance. Rather, it is designed to ensure the employee understands what needs to improve.

The immediate supervisor initiates an initial conversation between the supervisor and HR. The purpose of that meeting is to identify the concerns and plans for improvement. In some circumstances, HR may determine that a conversation with the employee is necessary or may require a joint meeting with the supervisor and employee. In all cases, the employee may initiate a conversation with HR to discuss their concerns related to the PIP.

HR reviews the draft PIP and offers feedback and guidance to the supervisor on the document, the duration of the PIP, and the planned conversation between the supervisor and employee. The supervisor reviews the final PIP with the employee and signs it to affirm their discussion. A signed copy of the PIP is filed in the employee's personnel file.

The supervisor will inform the respective department director/division cabinet member before the PIP is implemented. 

The supervisor and employee will have recurring/frequent meetings to track progress during the PIP period. At the end of the PIP period, the supervisor and staff employee will document how the employee either met the objectives/expectations outlined in the PIP or how performance has not met expectations with a closeout document. If performance expectations are not met, further corrective action may be necessary.

Corrective Action Process

When an employee's performance and/or behavior concerns have escalated beyond a PIP or are of a higher level of concern, options to address the continued concerns are considered through corrective action. Corrective action may include a verbal warning, a written warning, suspension, or termination of employment. Each circumstance is reviewed by the supervisor and HR to determine the appropriate corrective action to take that includes examining the nature, severity, and continued performance concerns. Considerations may require further discussions with the employee and department director/ division head. 

If the employee believes they are being treated unfairly, they may initiate a conversation with other parties. Depending on the nature of the concern, these additional parties may include HR, the ombudsperson, the Title IX coordinator or deputy coordinator, or their cabinet member. Employees may consult with HR for additional guidance and resources.

Following HR's review of the recommendation for corrective action, the Vice President for People and Workplace Culture is notified and may consult with the President to provide a final review and decision regarding the employment action.

Employment Release

While Colorado College is an at-will employer, CC strives to maintain open and honest communication with employees regarding performance and provide opportunities to voice their performance concerns. The Staff Handbook has a section on expectations, and if an employee does not meet expectations of the college, their supervisor, or violates College Policy, employment may be affected and corrective action may be imposed. As all separations involve confidential and personal information, specifics cannot be discussed in detail, and practices may differ based on circumstances.

The College does not have a formal appeals process for someone who is released from employment.

Report an issue - Last updated: 03/01/2024